ISO 9001

Yrki architects has implemented a quality system according to the ISO 9001 standard .

Our quality system is fully in conformance to the International standard of quality ISO-9001 which have been approved and certified.

Yrki architects is therefore the first architectural office in Iceland to be ISO 9001 certified.

What is ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an International standard for quality system.  Performance and results are the key words in the standard structure.  The standard requires the company to show their strenght to provide service which meets its customer requirements and laws and regulations set by authorities.  Increasing customer satisfaction is also a key word in the standard.

Our quality system emphasis on:

• Know our customer requirements and meet them

• Know our critical success factors

• Measure our performance in the fields of profession, service quality and
other critical success factors

• How to deal with inconformity, decide reaction and use it to learn for future


Yrki architects are a licensed assessment organisation for BREEAM.

What is BREEAM?

How BREEAM certification works: BREEAM is an international scheme that provides independent third party certification of the assessment of the sustainability performance of individual buildings, communities and infrastructure projects.

BREEAM´s performance rating and stars: The main output from a certified BREEAM assessment is the rating. A certified rating reflects the performance achieved by a project and its stakeholders, as measured against the standard and its benchmarks.

The rating enables comparability between projects and provides reassurance to customers and users, in turn underpinning the quality and value of the asset.

The BREEAM ratings range from Acceptable to Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding and it is reflected in a series of stars on the BREEAM certificate.

BREEAM category issues and aims: BREEAM measures sustainable value in a series of categories, ranging from energy to ecology.

The BREEAM categories:

  • Energy
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Innovation
  • Land use
  • Materials
  • Management
  • Pollution
  • Transport
  • Waste
  • Water

In 2017, Yrki architects were licensed for BREEAM for the assessment of the sustainability performance of new and refurbished buildings.

Provoding our services for a BREEAM certification helps us in our aim to provide services with an environmental gain.

Yrki arkitektar ehf. hafa innleitt vottað gæðakerfi á grundvelli staðalsins ISO 9001.

Gæðakerfi Yrkis arkitekta er í fullu samræmi við alþjóðlega gæðastaðalinn ISO-9001 og var vottað þann 4. júlí 2008 af þar til bærum aðila hérlendis, Vottun hf.  Þannig hefur gæðakerfi Yrkis arkitekta því staðist staðist allar athuganir sem framkvæmdar hafa verið á kerfinu.

Yrki arkitektar ehf. er því fyrsta arkitektastofan á Íslandi sem fær vottun á gæðakerfi sem byggt er upp samkvæmt ISO-9001.
Hvað er ISO 9001

ISO 9001 er staðall fyrir gæðastjórnunarkerfi.  Árangur er lykilorð í uppbyggingu staðalsins.  Hann tilgreinir kröfur til gæðastjórnunarkerfisins þar sem fyrirtæki þarf að sýna fram á getu sína til að láta í té vörur/þjónustu sem uppfylla kröfur viðskiptavina og viðeiganda lagalegar kröfur og auka ánægju viðskiptavina.

Í gæðastjórnunarkerfi Yrkis arkitekta ehf. er m.a. lögð áhersla á:

• Að þekkja þarfir viðskiptavinarins og taka mið af sjónarmiðum hans

• Að vita hvað skiptir máli í rekstrinum til að ná árangri

• Fylgjast með árangri fyrirtækisins um fagmennsku, þjónustugæði og aðra

• Hvernig tekið er á því sem aflaga fer, brugðist við og lært af því
Yrki architects has implemented a quality system according to the ISO 9001 standard .

Our quality system is fully in conformance to the International standard of quality ISO-9001 which have been approved and certified.

Yrki architects is therefore the first architectural office in Iceland to be ISO 9001 certified.

What is ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an International standard for quality system.  Performance and results are the key words in the standard structure.  The standard requires the company to show their strenght to provide service which meets its customer requirements and laws and regulations set by authorities.  Increasing customer satisfaction is also a key word in the standard.

Our quality system emphasis on:

• Know our customer requirements and meet them

• Know our critical success factors

• Measure our performance in the fields of profession, service quality and
other critical success factors

• How to deal with inconformity, decide reaction and use it to learn for future